



GLnemo2: glnemo2 1.11.0 released

Added by Jean-charles Lambert almost 7 years ago

Glnemo2 1.11.0 is a major release.

A lot of improvement have been added for RAMSES snapshot and camera animation module

  • Latest glnemo2 reads new RAMSES snapshot with particles families introduced some months ago. And it remains compatible with old RAMSES file format.
  • It's now possible to select a sub box of particles by giving xyz/min/max ranges. It allows to load a specific region of the dataset and reduce in the same time the memory footprint. This feature is available from GUI and CLI
  • Camera module has been totally re-designed. This module allows to create a path where the camera will fly through along in order to generate a nice and smooth animation.

see complete Changelog for details.

Here is a tutorial movie:

Have a look at this nice animation generated with camera module :

glnemo2 1.11.0 is available for:

  • MacOs X
  • Linux Mageia 5,6
  • Linux Ubuntu/Mint 14.04/14.10/16.04/17.10
  • Linux Fedora 26,27
  • Linux Centos 7
  • Linux Opensuse 42.1
  • Windows 32, 64 bits
  • Source code

Please visit Download page to get appropriate package.

To get useful information,please visit the Wiki

GLnemo2: Improved camera module

Added by Jean-charles Lambert over 7 years ago

What's cooking with next glnemo2 release ?

An improved camera module which allow to create smooth movies by moving camera along a path based on a spline controlled by points.

Check out this Dark matter cosmological movie and stay tuned !

astrodev: HH: CMake - J.C Lambert (LAM) - 28/09/16 / Mistral 14-15h

Added by Anonymous over 8 years ago

If you have never understood anything about Makefile, cmake is for you :)

CMake is a package for building easily your compiled programs/projects written in C/C++ or Fortran

DATE : 28/09/2016
Title : CMake
who : J.C. Lambert (LAM)
Place : Mistral
Time : 14h00 - 15h00

astrodev: HH: SWIG - J.C Lambert (LAM) - 15/09/16 / Tramontane 14-15h

Added by Anonymous over 8 years ago

Have you ever wanted to call your lovely C or C++ (even Fortran) library from your Python programs ? If yes, then you should use SWIG !

Swig is a software development tool that connect programs written in C and C++ (could be used with Fortran) with a variety of target language (Perl, python, ruby, tk , etc..)
During this talk we will focus on Python, and we will show you how through many examples.

DATE : 15/09/2016
Title : SWIG: Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
who : J.C. Lambert (LAM)
Place : Tramontane
Time : 14h00 - 15h00


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